Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Explore the “Hidden” job market

Posted by Yi-Xin Jin (Lily)

In the state of our current economy, many companies are experiencing a hiring freeze. However this does not mean they are not hiring, companies are just not adding more members to their team. For a 1000 person company, the turn over rate on average is about 20-25% in a year. The company would have to hire about 200 or 250 people to fill these positions.

Finding these hidden jobs requires lots of research. Research about 10 to 20 companies that you are interested in working for before contacting them for a job position, so you can map your skills to meet the needs of the employer.

Be creative and imaginative when it comes to getting the employers attention. For example, send the employer a coffee cup with a little $5 swipe card with a little note that says “, I'd like to get together and talk with you over coffee. I'll be calling soon.”

Make up your mind before you go into an interview. Don’t decide whether you want the job or not during an interview. When you go into an interview, “sell like your life depends on it” and the employer can tell your intentions. Don’t treat interviews like a business meeting. You should use it as an opportunity to prove that you are a great leader and communicator.

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